For centuries, the Chinese have known worldwide for its brand of holistic medicine. His approach of Eastern medicine addresses the underlying causes of health problems by focusing on improving overall health. If we talk about technical message, herbs and acupressure have also developed specific eye exercises to reduce eyestrain. At
a time when the use of technology has exploded, putting stress and
strain on the eyes, these stress relief techniques can be very
beneficial in the relief of vision problems. Here are 5 Chinese eye exercises that show how to avoid eyestrain.
1. Chinese eyes posts to perform this technique, place two middle fingers against his temples, and then proceed to the message
area for a period of two minutes. By varying the nature of the message. For example, from a circular position is accomplished by moving to the right and to change the message in an opposite clockwise direction. Make sure the message is sweet and sensitive for you. Here are some ways to reduce eyestrain :
2. Mix of Chinese Acupressure: With this technique, you will need to apply a sweet message for bone area below the low orbits. Using two indexes, gently stimulate the area in a circular motion. Be very careful not to apply too much pressure as this area is very sensitive. Start by mail and lower eyelids to broadcast the same message just above the bone area of the upper eyelids. Then find the area around the bridge of the nose, and with the thumb and first two fingers, the message from the bridge of his nose. Do this technique for a couple of minutes.
3. Chinese facial exercise: If you have eyes strained to try this technique. Close your eyes. Find the spot where the eyeball is near the top of the eye socket. Then, with both thumbs, gently stimulate the area. Locate the area where the hairline on the forehead and rub the surface lightly with fingertips. Repeat 1 September 10 repetitions.
4. Occipital post: click the thumb behind the ears and the message of this region in a movement up and down. Then find the occipital region: This is the area where the base of the skull to the upper neck. Message throughout the region of a few minutes.
5. A Chinese acupuncture Post: with the right thumb, press the point between your left thumb and index finger about 2 inches in. Repeat 1 September 10 repetitions.
The following messages and acupressure techniques offer a wide range of services. Besides relieving eyestrain, these exercises increase circulation to the eyes, one of the key factors that contribute to eye health. They also lead to improved natural vision.
Here are some important things to keep in mind during these technical points: For optimum performance, do not have these routines at least twice a day. Always show or apply acupressure points for both eyes, temples or places behind the head. When you finish the routine, practice a relaxation technique is to focus on a distant object 10 meters for 10 minutes. This helps relax the eyes and reduce any extra stress on the eye muscles.
Exercises for Chinese eyes as a message, acupressure and acupuncture offer a number of benefits for eye health. Relieves stress and strain on the eyes to promote better eye health. Ultimately, it is a branch of Chinese medicine to treat the underlying causes vision problems rather than just treating the symptoms. The emphasis is on a holistic approach to eye care that promotes ultimately overall eye health.
1. Chinese eyes posts to perform this technique, place two middle fingers against his temples, and then proceed to the message
area for a period of two minutes. By varying the nature of the message. For example, from a circular position is accomplished by moving to the right and to change the message in an opposite clockwise direction. Make sure the message is sweet and sensitive for you. Here are some ways to reduce eyestrain :
2. Mix of Chinese Acupressure: With this technique, you will need to apply a sweet message for bone area below the low orbits. Using two indexes, gently stimulate the area in a circular motion. Be very careful not to apply too much pressure as this area is very sensitive. Start by mail and lower eyelids to broadcast the same message just above the bone area of the upper eyelids. Then find the area around the bridge of the nose, and with the thumb and first two fingers, the message from the bridge of his nose. Do this technique for a couple of minutes.
3. Chinese facial exercise: If you have eyes strained to try this technique. Close your eyes. Find the spot where the eyeball is near the top of the eye socket. Then, with both thumbs, gently stimulate the area. Locate the area where the hairline on the forehead and rub the surface lightly with fingertips. Repeat 1 September 10 repetitions.
4. Occipital post: click the thumb behind the ears and the message of this region in a movement up and down. Then find the occipital region: This is the area where the base of the skull to the upper neck. Message throughout the region of a few minutes.
5. A Chinese acupuncture Post: with the right thumb, press the point between your left thumb and index finger about 2 inches in. Repeat 1 September 10 repetitions.
The following messages and acupressure techniques offer a wide range of services. Besides relieving eyestrain, these exercises increase circulation to the eyes, one of the key factors that contribute to eye health. They also lead to improved natural vision.
Here are some important things to keep in mind during these technical points: For optimum performance, do not have these routines at least twice a day. Always show or apply acupressure points for both eyes, temples or places behind the head. When you finish the routine, practice a relaxation technique is to focus on a distant object 10 meters for 10 minutes. This helps relax the eyes and reduce any extra stress on the eye muscles.
Exercises for Chinese eyes as a message, acupressure and acupuncture offer a number of benefits for eye health. Relieves stress and strain on the eyes to promote better eye health. Ultimately, it is a branch of Chinese medicine to treat the underlying causes vision problems rather than just treating the symptoms. The emphasis is on a holistic approach to eye care that promotes ultimately overall eye health.
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