What Are Cataracts

A cataract is a smudge on the lens of the eye that has lost its transparency. The lens is in the eye structure is responsible for the development of the incident light so as to form sharp images on the retina. When you switch your attention to the fine print in the something to do outside of the window newspaper, it is the goal that makes the adjustment to see properly. Located just behind the pupil, the lens is a small structure, convex on both sides, composed of many cells tight transparent. If something happens to damage the lens, some of these transparent cells can transform a dull white, and the white of an egg change from a solid when poached in white clear liquid.

Cataracts usually develop gradually, usually over a period of several years. Most people over 65 have some degree of opacity of the lens, but it is usually minor and do not interfere with vision. However, as more and more transparency is lost over time, suffers vision. The fist sign is usually a loss of clarity and detail and perhaps a blur. Even at a very early night driving can become a challenge. Many people chalk these symptoms increase. They know they have cataracts when vision loss becomes impossible to ignore.

Interestingly, in the early stages of cataract development center progressive hardening of the lens can cause a person to be myopic. a person who has already been seen (very common in the group most likely to develop cataracts age) may be delighted to discover that he or she is able to read without reading glasses for the first time in many years. This effect is only temporary, however. In later stages, the color perception can change. For example, blue may seem dull and gray, and reds and yellows and oranges may appear brighter.

Many people find it more difficult to distinguish certain colors apart. Cataracts usually occur in both eyes. However, in most cases, one eye is more severely affected than the other. Other known causes of cataracts include trauma, either by direct damage to the lens or even a blow to the head, and excessive exposure to certain chemicals, such as may occur with prolonged use of steroids or 'intoxication as naphthalene (found in mothballs) and ergot (a fungus can occur in stored grain).

High levels of blood sugar, as in diabetes not treated are associated with severe cataracts. If you do not take enough precautions, exposure to red light or X-rays can cause cataracts too.

Conventional therapy

In the early stages of cataract development a strong prescription glasses may suffice. If vision loss begins to interfere with daily activities, however, your doctor will probably recommend surgery. Cataract surgery is one of the most common operations and successes today, provided that the eye is the elimination catract successful in 90 to 95 percent of all cases. Cataract surgery involves removing the natural lens first, then interocular lens implant, a tiny plastic.

The lens may be surgically removed, all in one piece, or phacoemulsification technique ultrasonic tip, which may be fragmented and removed through a small incision that requires no seam later. The operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia, but no pain in both cases. You may not need glasses after surgery. The incision is made around a month to heal. Recovery is faster with laser technology. The lenses are not equipped for about ten weeks after surgery

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